About Me

I am a first year First Grade teacher and couldn't be more excited to teach! I'm in a new city with a new class ready for a new adventure :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Let's try this again.

I have totally failed at trying to keep blogging during my first year of teaching. It has been CRAZY busy since the first day my kiddos arrived. I started out with 25 firsties and our county decided that because first grade is such an important year that we needed a 5th team member. Hallelujah. It has been a blessing to only have 20 students and I already am beginning to see how they are growing with more one on one time with me. This week will be a short for me because I'll be taking off friday for a wedding. I'm hoping to post some creative lessons that we do but honestly I've been in survival mode for the past month. Now that things are slower I'm hoping I'll have the chance to be more creative.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! It's beautiful out here in Virginia.

<3 Lindsay