About Me

I am a first year First Grade teacher and couldn't be more excited to teach! I'm in a new city with a new class ready for a new adventure :)

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Let's try this again.

I have totally failed at trying to keep blogging during my first year of teaching. It has been CRAZY busy since the first day my kiddos arrived. I started out with 25 firsties and our county decided that because first grade is such an important year that we needed a 5th team member. Hallelujah. It has been a blessing to only have 20 students and I already am beginning to see how they are growing with more one on one time with me. This week will be a short for me because I'll be taking off friday for a wedding. I'm hoping to post some creative lessons that we do but honestly I've been in survival mode for the past month. Now that things are slower I'm hoping I'll have the chance to be more creative.

Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! It's beautiful out here in Virginia.

<3 Lindsay

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Information Overload.

Whew. What a two weeks it has been. From Responsive Classroom training (uh-mazing) to Great Beginnings training for the county I have filled my brain with SO much information.
Let me break down Responsive Classroom Training which we will now refer to as "RC". I went into the week thinking okay I've done this before, I'm not going to learn anything new- boy was I wrong. I left each day with a positive outlook on how to handle my classroom and also an overwhelming sense of how much there is that goes into making a classroom run well. RC approach is all about giving logical consequences, building community and helping each student to take responsibility and learn self-control. I think it's going to be great to have this approach to reference to and structure my class around. Throughout the week we all created our own little community of friends and I'm so glad to have been through the week with them all.
I left the week exhausted with information BUT super excited to start my classroom procedures (which I had to completely redo after learning this approach).
This week has been a different kind of training- it's all about the county and how it works. I am so thankful for a supportive school system that really desires to see their new teachers not feel alone. They have done an AWESOME job of providing support for the first year. This week has also been information overload but basically I am just taking one day at a time, and that's all I can do.

It's going to be a whirlwind of a year but I'm filled with energy thinking about meeting my little firsties and creating our classroom to be a fun and warm environment. Next week I get to start decorating and I hope to get some pictures up once I get some things put up. Before next week and all of the staff meetings I get to see my friends in Lynchburg and there couldn't be a better time to see everyone. It's going to be great to have comfort of friends and not have to feel like a newbie in everything I do.


Friday, August 12, 2011

Policies and Procedures

This is probably the most time consuming and important part of preparing for my first year of teaching. I got a call from my sweet professor who took time out of her day to help me figure out how I wanted my classroom to run and to get those wheels turning. I'm going to be using my owl theme as much as possible. I LOVE what I have so far and will be sharing a sample of my ideas once it's ready to be shared.

I have to wait until the week BEFORE school begins before I can start setting up my classroom. oh Lord help me. :) It's going to be busy, busy, busy and honestly I can't wait for it to begin. This is what I love and what I am called to do.

<3 Lindsay

Sunday, August 7, 2011

The beginning

I can't wait to begin decorating my classroom and making it into the home I desire it to be for my little owls. I decided on the theme of owls when I came across some cute graphics way back in June. I am excited to see my little owls grow in their wisdom as they progress in the first grade. It's going to be a GREAT year with a lot of exciting lessons planned. I will be updating the blog as I continue to create and make things for my classroom. Stay tuned :)
